Saturday, December 25, 2010

Finally returned

New Year resolutions portend so I thought I had better put a tick by last years one to blog actively after many scoldings and general disbelief from other technacrats (the misspelling is deliberate).

Another year of walking on water as a telecommuting freelancer.

Tevolutions - actually learning jquery (sorry prototype) not just using plugins, and firebug becoming the first resort for html interfaces. Topstyle is becoming a closer pal too as I now get more with the progressive enhancement movement due client requests for compatibility with cramped mobile screens.

How did it happen that web programmers became css-heads again - we had to do all that stuff back when designers got panic attacks when you pointed them at a html editor. Now they are competitively paid 'frontend developers' gaily tossing in jquery widgets - web programmers still have to spend their lives in firebug and webdeveloper making this richness play nice?
The more things change ...

Last year Homesite gave way to Dreamweaver as my main cf coding tool - next year guess it will have to be cfbuilder. Never really valued Eclipse except for Java - got used to Flexbuilder but its resource hogging and general slowness never impressed - suppose I will also try and migrate to Flashbuilder in 2011 (sigh). Two years (or more) behind everyone else but I don't have space to play anymore.

Pure tech discoveries - LogMeIn which is an easy browser-based way of remote control of home computers without configuring servers or awful MS remoting. Unfortunately they only offer remote desktop like control on their free client. For an annual fee you can get the more useful - 'use your home machines as fileservers' service. Not had the extended work outings to justify the $80 annual fee this year.

The onesizefitsalls frameworks (in cf - coldbox) seems to be giving way to lightweight varieties (in cf fw1 and lightfront ) - had a play with wrapping a couple of plugins. TGod as with all the extra frontend hacking I don't have the bandwidth with fighting java-envious infrastructure.

On a similar bandwidth theme - moving off my dependency on Mura for cms and re-developing a splash based barebones one. Just too much overhead again.

Well thats a wandering post - moral credit at least whether anyone reads it or not ;)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Free online pc backup / file storage service found offers free online 2GB backup and a downloadable tool to locate media and documents and keep them synchronized (i.e. the most current version uploaded to backup).

I've opted for the unlimited space US$4.95/month (charged in one 12 monthly block -beware I didnt see an option for a lesser term) and use it as a file server - but it's a damn cheap option
either for backing up your computer against collapse or as a temporary location while you upgrade or reformat a pc .

Or just as a remote file location for sharing files with colleagues as I use it.

Update - got sent a link from a friend about Mozy. Apparently their restore functionality is
pretty iffy and users got left with weeks of calls and failed downloads or restores and some gave up completely

I am just using Mozy as a file server so it shouldn't affect me - but I must admit I wasnt impressed when signing up for the paid (pro) option they signed me up for two years.
When I complained I hadnt seen any options they said they would move me back to monthly
and I must have missed the payment selections . I dont miss much on a web interface so they must have put the options somewhere obscure or preselected the most expensive option.

On the same subject I am using the free service to synchronize 2Gig online for free also - this service is flawless but their volume option is twice as expensive as Mozy.
But they are a pure file synchronization / backup service that just works.

A review of online file backup services by a reputable reviewer,2806,4798,00.asp



Comparing blogs for a client. Couldn't imagine anyone amusing or interesting enough to regularly poll (esp. me) but found a couple during this investigation.
Goes to show you don't see if you don't look ...

For anyone whom does know me (or thinks they do (whomever does of course (or if you're male even self-insight's usually too hard (or maybe that's just me and all the males I've met) or if you're female you have immediate 100% insight but of the variety that changes like sea shades but without contradiction of course ;) )))(excuse the lisp) I shall summarize my present surface conditions.

Freelancing after abandoning/abandonment of/by the corporatverse. After a year and the convergence of a critical frequency of bloody invoices and general stopping inertia on my personal projects I was compelled back to gainful employ. I chose a bad time (GFC fried me !) and was becalmed awhile but after some discouragement and failed albatross lassooing the winds gusted in and now I'm back to the water and trying not to jibe ..

Bugs' recent acquisitions include vaulting the barrier to the kitchen , forward rolls off a high armchair and finding levels in her learning software the adults hadn't discovered. Elsewise she remains charming, energetic and affectionate.

That'll be enough for post one - be interesting to see if anyone of my physical (or even virtual) acquaint discovers my meanderings here ...
